Support The NAMES Project Foundation by purchasing merchandise from our store. You’ll find t-shirts, post cards, buttons and a favorite item of our Friends of The Quilt – an archive print of a loved ones panel and block.
DONATE to the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt
Each year The NAMES Project unfolds sections of The Quilt at thousands of places: in high school gymnasiums, community centers, places of worship, art galleries, museums, corporate headquarters, government offices, as well as on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Wherever it is displayed, The Quilt provides balm for the painful wounds of grief, pours oil into the waters made turbulent by controversy, opens eyes that refuse to see and enlists every person who experiences it to play a role in stopping the pandemic. It is difficult to walk away from The Quilt unchanged. For those to wish to make a donation in honor of a loved one, you will have the option to note this during checkout.
Did You Know…. It costs, on average $60.00– one-way – to send a box of 3 sections of The Quilt to a display.
Did You Know…. It costs $250, on average, to incorporate a single panel into The AIDS Memorial Quilt.
Did You Know…. Each panel of Quilt receives $25 worth of conservation and repair annually.
Did You Know…. It will cost $75 per panel to produce the Quilt in the Capital programs this summer
Donate today to help us continue our fight to raise awareness and find a cure.
Click here for more information on The Last One, a feature-length documentary tracing the history of The AIDS Memorial Quilt.
The NAMES Project stages Quilt displays each year in a variety of venues in hopes of making HIV/AIDS real and immediate.
Hosting a display is easy, affordable and important. Join the effort to educate and inspire by hosting a display of The AIDS Memorial Quilt in your community.
You don't have to be an artist or sewing expert to create a moving personal tribute remembering a life lost to AIDS. Find support and step by step instructions here.